CIDIs Strategic Focus 2021 - 2025
To fulfill its mission in the next 5 years, CIDI will focus on two key implementation strategies;
(1) Expanding an integrated community program for improving service delivery at community level
(2) Institutional capacity strengthening geared towards supporting CIDI’s management and administrative structures to sustain an expanded integrated programme
Strategic focus Matrix
Strategy |
Core Program areas |
Strategic Actions |
1. Expanding an integrated community program
· Water Sanitation and hygiene · Health · Sustainable Agriculture · Advocacy and Governance |
· Integrating Advocacy in all programs · A special focus on youth · Venturing into decent housing |
2. Organisational capacity Strengthening
Support services |
Strengthening institutional structures to support an integrated expanded program |
· Admin, management and governance · Human resource management · Financial management · Resource mobilization · Monitoring and evaluation · IT |
CIDI’s strategic objectives
CIDI’s strategies are implemented through the following strategic objectives;
Program Objectives
1. Increase access to clean and safe water, hygiene and sanitation services
2. Improvement of people’s health and welfare and contribute to the Health sector’s interventions in promoting a healthy and economically viable population
3. To develop capacity skills and technologies in agriculture for improved food security and sustainable environment for agricultural production
4. Develop the capacity of CIDI communities to positively influence national policies and practices towards improving their living conditions
Institutional objectives
1. Strengthen internal administrative, management and governance operations
2. Strengthen Human resource capacity and financial management systems within CIDI
3. To improve and sustain information management systems including M&E
4. Mobilize resources for sustaining CIDIs community programs and sustain internal contributions