Overall Objective: To create awareness and prevent the spread of COVID19.

Specific Objective 1: To create awareness and prevent the spread of COVID 19 among 4,000 households in Kibuye 1 Ward, Makindye Division in Kampala by Sept 2020.

Expected Result 1: Project objectives and mode of implementation introduced to local leaders and key stakeholders.



Activity 1.1 One Inception meeting was conducted.

Key Achievements

        i.            There was a commendable representation/participation of both the technical and political leadership of Makindye Division.

       ii.            The project plans and objectives were well-conceived and Councilors promised to be part of the implementation process.

       iii.            The participants pledged their full support and participation in the project implementation.

       iv.            The participants understood the project overall goal and objectives and they eluded to the fact that CIDI was only supplementing the roles and responsibilities of the government.

Expected Result 2: Communities Sensitized on spread of COVID 19 and how to prevent and manage it.


Activity 2.1 Production and distribution of IEC materials.

Key achievements

The project had a component on awareness creation on COVID19 so as to prevent the further spread of the pandemic and therefore several activities were planned and implemented.  These included; Production and distribution of 4,000 IEC materials, ii) 5 Sensitization drive shows conducted, iii) 4 radio talk shows iv) 30 spot messages aired on radio stations.

IEC materials were produced and distributed to public locations or areas with a lot of population/crowded places these materials were inform of posters they relayed messages of measures to put in place to avoid catching the Corona Virus, focus was also on the Myths and truths related to the spread of COVID19. This is all aimed at preventing the further spread of COVID19 to the communities. The IECs were received well in the eleven zones of Kibuye 1 they will act as reminders for the MoH measures put in place to prevent the further spread of COVID19.

Activity 2.2 Sensitization drive shows conducted.

5 Sensitization drives were also conducted in the 11 zones of Kibuye 1 ward and these included; Nabisaalu zone, St. Benedict zone, Wanyana zone, Kanakulya zone, Kapeke zone, Nkere zone, Nsuwa zone, Jjuuko zone, Masaku zone, Wasswa zone, and Barracks zone. The activity was conducted by the use of a hired vehicle and public address system together with support from Makindye division and a representative of the VHTs in Kibuye 1. The sensitization was focusing on areas with a high populace and a lot of activity taking place for example in Market areas, at the road sides, areas with many vendors, parks and boda stages, because these are places where the risk of catching COVID19 is really high among the communities.

Messages on COVID19 prevention measures were passed on to the communities by the help of a public address system by the VHTs.

        i.            The LC1 chairpersons in some zones were availed the opportunity to further sensitize their people on COVID 19.

      ii.            The communities were reminded on the COVID19 guidelines/measures put in place by MoH to prevent the further spread of COVID19.

    iii.            People were urged to discard all information relating to Myths of COVID19 and embrace/ implement the MoH guidelines on COVID19.

    iv.            The communities got a full understanding and knowledge on COVID 19 and how it is spread including how it can be prevented.

Activity 2.3 Radio talk shows and radio spot messages aired.

Four radio talk shows were conducted on selected radio stations like CBS 88.8 FM and Akaboozi kubiri. These talk shows were conducted by CIDI with support from Makindye division health department and some of the participants included the Division Medical Officer, representatives of the youth, the coordinator of the NYAP Platform, some members from the surveillance team. These gave more insights on the spread of COVID19 and the measures put in place to prevent the further spread of COVID19.

Key achievements

The listenership acquired an understanding and knowledge on COVID 19 and how it is spread including how it can be prevented.

People were encouraged to take on new tasks to avert the financial constraints due to the COVID 19 lock down for instance teachers, Boda riders were encouraged to get involved in agricultural practices to sustain their families. Listeners got knowledge on alternative ways of improving their income and food security.

The communities were reminded on the COVID19 guidelines/measures put in place by MoH to prevent the further spread of COVID19. This acted as awake up call to the communities and special attention was also put on the proper and regular wearing of the face masks.

People were urged to discard all information relating to Myths of COVID19 and embrace/ implement the MoH guidelines on COVID19.

There was a wide listenership as the programme attracted listeners and call ins from far places like Kayunga, Gulu in the northern part of Uganda and Gomba districts among others.

30 radio spot messages were aired on the two radio stations like CBS 88.8fm and Akaboozi Kubiri in the local language. These messages were also tailored on preventive measures against COVID19. Also informing people to seek medical attention once they have developed any signs and symptoms of the Coronavirus.

Specific objective 2: To support 4,000 households with COVID19 protective materials and equipment in Kibuye 1, Makindye Division in Kampala.

Expected Result 3: Targeted Communities and Households supported with hand washing facilities.


Progress achievement: CIDI with support from Caritas Denmark Procured and distributed COVID19 protective and prevention materials to selected households and communal places. Forty hand washing facilities were procured and distributed at communal places like garages- Masaku garage, Boda stages like Kiyembe stage, taxi parks, car bonds and any other places that have high numbers of people/busy places.  It has been noted especially by the area LC chairperson of Kibuye 1 parish that there has been an improvement in the number of times people wash their hands due to the facilities provided by CIDI and this will go a long way in preventing the spread of COVID 19 and other diseases like dysentery and cholera.

Activity 3.1 Procurement and distribution of hand washing facilities at selected communal places.


There was procurement and distribution of hand washing facilities at selected 40 communal places in Kibuye 1, Makindye division by CIDI with support from Caritas Denmark. These hand washing facilities were distributed at communal places that were selected by the different LC chairpersons of the eleven Zones of Kibuye 1. Emphasis was put on areas that had transient population, busy places, places that have low income earners and most importantly over crowded places and these included markets, taxi parks, Boda stages, welding places, alongside the roads, places with food vendors among others.

The communities were very receptive of the hand washing facilities and they committed to utilize them very well to achieve the intended purpose, they also promised to regularly wash their hands and to properly maintain them.

During one of the monitoring visits conducted by the M& E officer and the project manager. It was noted that all the hand washing facilities were in place and in good condition. The team also observed washing of hands by people in the different locations where the hand washing facilities were located. This will partly help in the prevention of the further spread of COVID19 in Kibuye 1.

Activity 3.2 Procurement and distribution of tippy taps inform of jerry cans at household level

CIDI also procured and distributed 4,000 Jerry cans to 3,920 selected households like earlier mentioned some households were found with over 8 people and these were given more jerry cans which reduced the number of targeted households. The distribution was done with support from the LC 1 chairpersons of the eleven Zones of Kibuye 1. Special attention was given to child headed homes, to Women/girl headed homes, households with PWDs and OVCs. These jerry cans were distributed with an aim of making tippy taps per household. Prior to the distribution of the jerry cans the LC1 chairpersons were trained in the making of tippy taps so that they would cascade it in their zones. However, during one of the Monitoring and evaluation visits conducted by CIDI it was noted that most households did not make the tippy taps due to failure to get the materials and also they live in congested areas with very little space to install tippy taps. However, the jerry cans were still used for hand washing since they were observed at the house entrances with clean water and soap.

Expected Result 4: Households are supported with liquid soap and bar soap.

Progress achievement

CIDI procured and distributed liquid soap at 40 communal places that had received hand washing facilities and distributed 8,000 bars of soap at household level The soap together with the hand washing facilities provided, have supported the communities to have good hygiene and also ensure regular hand washing to prevent the further spread of COVID19 in Kibuye 1. This initiative by CIDI has not only prevented the spread of COVID 19 but it has also reduced on the spread of other diseases like dysentery and cholera.

Activity 3.1 Procurement and distribution of liquid soap.

80 Jerry cans of liquid soap were procured and distributed at the communal points selected by the LC1 chairpersons of the eleven zones of; Nabisaalu, St. Benedict, Wanyana, Kanakulya, Kapeke, Nkere, Nsuwa, Jjuuko, Masaku, Wasswa, Barracks. The liquid soap was handed over to people who would take responsibility over it to avoid theft and wastage at the different points like markets, parks, garages, welding areas, alongside the roads etc. Every communal point received 2 jerry cans of liquid soap.

The soap together with the hand washing facilities has eased washing of hands and people are very grateful for the support rendered to them. In some areas it was observed that communities gathered some resources and made liquid soap to continue enhancing regular hand washing and also selling some for income.

Activity 3.2 Procurement and distribution of bar soap.

8,000 bars of soap were procured and distributed to 4,000 households each household received 2 bars of soap with an aim of fostering regular hand washing with soap to prevent the spread of COVID19 and other waterborne diseases like cholera, dysentery etc. The soap distributed was utilized by the beneficiaries for the intended purpose. However, there is more need for the same items especially since the COVID19 cases are increasing especially with in the communities where contact tracing is very difficult.  According to MoH the COVID19 cases registered are 11,767 with 106 deaths.

Expected Result 5: Targeted Households are supported with protective gears materials like masks


Progress achievement: Over 1,000 people were supported with face masks with in the communities of Kibuye1 in Makindye division. These also helped to reduce on the further spread of COVID19. The communities were sensitized to wear the face masks properly and regularly at all times especially in public places and this will continue to prevent the further spread of COVID19. CIDI staff received sanitizers to support them reduce the spread of COVID19 while they went about their daily work as social workers.

Activity 3.1 Procurement and distribution of facemasks

Over 1,000 face masks were procured and distributed to the communities with the aim of reducing the further spread of COVID19. People were sensitized on the proper wearing of facemasks but there is still more need for regular sensitizations for awareness creation.

Activity 3.2 procurement and distribution of gloves, face shields, A complete set of Sanitizing equipment.

CIDI also procured and distributed gloves, sanitizers, face shields and rubber shoes to the CIDI staff involved in the project and other CIDI staff to prevent spread of COVID19 while at work and in the field. These items were very helpful and some are being used to date which ensures safety and protection of the staff.

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